On August 24, 2017, Guillermo Cochez and Víctor Martínez filed an unconstitutionality document before the Supreme Court, alleging that Contract Law No. 2 is contrary to Article 290 of the Constitution of Panama, to obtain the declaration of unconstitutionality of the Law 2 of 2015.

The complaint alleges that, through the Contract law, the State would have granted PSA Panama dominion over state assets and that the government of Singapore maintains interest in that company. It should be mentioned that a concession, by definition, is not a transfer of ownership, on the contrary, it has a figure similar to that of a rental.

On October 1, 2018, the Supreme Court issued a Resolution notifying that they did not admit the unconstitutionality claim proposed jointly by the lawyers Guillermo Cochez and Victor Martinez.

Status: Case closed