Concesión PSA Panamá

En Junio de 2008 a través de la Ley 36 del 19 de junio de 2008 la Asamblea Nacional adjudica la concesión para operar el Puerto en Rodman
El cual autoriza a PSA la operación del Puerto en Rodman.

Complaint about the Rodman Port lease dismissed

After the government approvals of the permits required for the PSA concession, between March and April 2015, the lawyer and politician Miguel Antonio Bernal filed two criminal complaints against PIMPSA

Irregularities rejected in the lease and investment contract for the concession of the land in the Rodman area

La segunda querella que interpuso el abogado Miguel Antonio Bernal trataba de una denuncia contra el ex presidente Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal, ex Ministro de Economía, Frank De Lima, ex Jefe de la Unidad de Bienes Revertidos, ...

Complaints against the concession granted to PSA disapproved

En los últimos tres años, Alexis Zuleta (ex Director de Licitaciones Públicas), ha presentado tres denuncias sucesivas contra la concesión otorgada a PSA. Al igual que Bernal, Zuleta también presentó sus denuncias por su propia cuenta, en “beneficio del pueblo panameño”.

Criminal complaint about the award process of the Rodman area dismissed

On July 19, 2017, lawyers Cochez and Martínez filed a complaint with the Attorney General of the Criminal Office, requesting an investigation into the process of awarding the previous and current concession of the Rodman area. The accusations include misconduct and abuse of authority by the Public Administration and questioned a supposed association between PIMPSA, Serviamerica and PSA to self-assign a concession agreement.